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Platinum Underwriting Package- $10,000+ (Negotiable - Limited Quantity)

Gold packet, along with:

•    Permanent public recognition on the church property (location and TBD).  Specially crafted ceramic plaque created by the artist, to be installed on a special section of the wall itself.

•    NCC will consider “traveling” workshops to specified groups as requested.

•    Invitations to special reception/dedication events.

•    Post sponsor’s description and/or mission on the event website
•    Exclusive focus of installation and marketing event e-blasts

•    Exclusive focus of Facebook/social media posts

•    Logo on front of all special event guides
•    Recognition in special event guide (FULL page ad)

•    Prominent placement on press releases for tv and print
•    Logo on posters, signage and selected collateral material



Gold Partner - $5,000

Silver packet, along with:

•    Logo on website homepage with link to donor’s site

•    Recognition on website with other Gold Partners
•    Recognition in special event guide (HALF page ad)
•    Special recognition at beginning of special events



Silver Partner - $2,500

Bronze packet, along with:

•    Invitation to special reception or dedication events.

•    Recognition on website with other Silver Partners
•    Recognition in special event guide ( QUARTER page ad)
•    Recognition in all press releases for tv and print



Bronze Partner - $1,000

•    NCC provides choice of select tile-glazing workshops at little or no cost.  Workshops can be donated to community groups if desired by the donor.

•    NCC provides a multi-weekend mosaic installation event in fall 2018, free and open to the public.

•    Recognition on website with other Bronze Partners
•    Listing in special event guide
•    Special recognition at beginning of special events

Tile glazing fee for non-sponsored workshops: $20.00 per tile


For more information, or to become a sponsor, please contact our main office at (949) 494-8061

Underwriting and Sponsorship Levels

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